Leadership Conversations
How effectively, do your senior leaders collaborate with each other?

In our view, a key aspect of organizational effectiveness is the quality of communication and the conversations between senior employees and the other employees of the organization. We have found that improving our clients’ senior leaders ability to communicate effectively with one another accelerates the creation of higher levels of value and that ultimately leads to high performance.
To be more explicit, we believe that the ability of an organization’s senior leaders to collaborate to develop and execute a plan, is a function of how effectively they have the conversations that help all members of the organization (i) become aligned on and committed to the plan; (ii) implement the planned actions; (iii) review what they have and have not accomplished and then, (iv) become aligned on new actions to be taken.
We are able to build individual leadership effectiveness specifically in the area of communication, and relationship building. In all our work, we introduce our clients to innovative, new tools that will help each of them become:
- more effective managers and leaders,
- better at working with other employees and finally,
- better able to help groups of people become teams.